About Me

Mission: to empower, guide and motivate people to sustainably improve their health, wellness and happiness for life.


I am Erin Meyer and I am deeply passionate about creating positive change in the world and helping people. For the last seven years, I have dedicated myself to addressing food insecurity, reducing food waste, and mitigating climate change by championing the redistribution of surplus food. However, it has sometimes felt futile as the problems were only getting worse. I began to approach burnout. I knew things needed to change. I made some big, scary, transformative life changes including a move across states, a change in jobs and more. It also motivated me to begin Deep Health Coaching LLC.

As a health and wellness coach, I am committed to supporting people in achieving their well-being goals and align their personal wellness with their values. I aim to empower individuals to make sustainable lifestyle changes by utilizing a personalized and client-centered approach the recognizes that each person’s path to deep health is unique. I emphasize the principles of balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, stress management and adequate sleep while also encouraging that people connect with nature as a means to promote health and happiness. I believe nature heals and that in return, we have a duty to planetary health so I also encourage the implementation of sustainable environmental practices and stewardship. I advocate for a positive mindset and self-compassion, noting that deep health extends beyond physical fitness to encompass mental and emotional health. By creating a supportive partnership, I aim to inspire and motivate individuals to cultivate habits that promote sustainable wellness, allowing them to thrive in all aspects of deep health.

In my day job, I am the Director of Food Rescue and Health and Wellness Initiatives at Community Initiatives for Collective Impact (Ci4Ci) where I have led transformative programs, including the Bobcat Eats Food Waste Awareness Program and the Pop-Up People’s Pantry. Since 2018, I’ve prevented over 2,785,000 pounds of food from going to waste, facilitated a 47,000 pound produce donation and co-launched community fridges serving disadvantaged communities. My work extends beyond immediate impact, as I also play a key role in implementing county-wide legislation and managing grants upwards of $250,000. I am also a Food Rescue Consultant aiming to help communities rescue more food to feed more people. My commitment to sustainability and nutrition extends to my volunteer work and involvement in organizations such as Food Connect and the Animal Place.

Aside from work and volunteering, I am an avid runner, book lover and flower photographer. I have an amazing dog named Sukha who is probably the best dog in the world.

My educational background includes a Master of Science in Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems from the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point, a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Science from Colorado State University, and a Bachelor of Science in Integrative Biology from the University of Colorado, Denver.

Let’s connect and explore how we can create a healthier, more sustainable future for you and the world.

Erin Meyer, MS

Owner of Deep Health Coaching LLC

About the Name

According to Precision Nutrition, deep health is when “all dimensions of health are in sync.” These dimensions are: relational, existential, mental, physical, emotional and environmental. Because every dimension of deep health influences the others, when in sync, the whole person and their whole lives thrive. When out of sync, we don’t thrive as well. Deep Health Coaching aims to change this so we can thrive.